How much are horses on hay day?
Hay Day

How Much Are Horses On Hay Day?

Qasim Ahmad

January 12, 2024 . 11 min read

You’ve been playing Hay Day for a while and have amassed a nice collection of crops, goods, and coins. But your barn is starting to get a little full, and your silo can’t hold much more wheat. 

It’s time to invest in some livestock to boost your productivity and storage. Horses are a great option – they produce horseshoes, help plough fields, and open up new land expansions. The only question is: how much do horses cost in Hay Day? Like everything in the game, horses can be purchased with either coins or diamonds.

Benefits of Horses on Hay Day

In the charming world of Hay Day, horses play an essential role that goes beyond their adorable appearances. These friendly equine companions provide valuable benefits to players, making them an integral part of the game’s success.

Horses in Hay Day are not just there for looks; they help you level up faster. As you feed them carrots and let them roam around their stable for six hours, they reward you with precious experience points.

Bay Horses, for example, offer 60 XP every 6 hours, while Andalusian Horses provide 100 XP, helping you progress through the game.

Waking your horses up individually rather than all at once increases your chances of receiving random rare items. These can be incredibly valuable in various aspects of the game, from expanding your farm to fulfilling orders more efficiently.

horses in hay day

You’ll need a horse stable to harness the benefits of these charming companions. Each stable can hold up to three horses. They can be purchased from the Hay Day Shop, and different types of horses are available, from Bay Horses to Andalusian Horses and more.

You have horses like the Appaloosa, Lipizzaner, Palomino, and Pinto. Each offers different XP rewards and comes with its unique purchase cost. This diversity allows you to tailor your horse selection to your needs and preferences.

How much is the Bay Horse in Hay Day?

The Bay Horse stands out as a delightful pet animal that adds charm to your farm and significantly benefits your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the details of these beautiful creatures.

Acquiring your first Bay Horse becomes possible at experience level 27, and a second one unlocks at level 37. The cost of getting one is nine green vouchers, ten blue vouchers, and eight purple vouchers.

Alternatively, you can purchase them for 835 diamonds. You must place the horses near a horse stable for the transaction. Players have the option to own two Bay Horses. Bay Horses are fond of carrots, which keep them active and happy.

Bay Horse in Hay Day?

When you feed them, they roam around their stable for six hours, then nap. You can wake them up anytime to receive 60 experience points for each Horse. However, if you leave them asleep, they won’t produce any experience points. So, make sure to wake them up to reap the rewards.

To maximize your benefits, consider waking up your Bay Horses individually instead of all at once. This strategy increases your chances of receiving random supply items. These items can be a game-changer, assisting you in your farm’s growth.

How much is the Andalusian Horse in Hay Day?

The Andalusian Horse, a regal presence in Hay Day, adds a touch of majesty to your farm and practical advantages to your gameplay. Here’s a look at the essential details of these elegant equines.

Andalusian Horses become available at experience level 40. To acquire one, you’ll need 50 green vouchers, 15 blue vouchers, 15 purple vouchers, and three golden vouchers, or you can purchase them for 2,190 diamonds.

Andalusian Horse in Hay Day

Like other horses, you must place them near a horse stable for the transaction to go through. Players have the option to own two Andalusian Horses.

Just like Bay Horses, Andalusian Horses thrive on a diet of carrots. Feed them, and they’ll prance around their stable for six hours, after which they’ll nap. You can wake them up anytime to receive 100 experience points for each Horse. If you let them sleep, they won’t produce experience points, so wake them up for those valuable rewards.

Implement a strategy similar to Bay Horses – wake up your Andalusian Horses one at a time rather than all at once. This approach increases your chances of receiving random supply items, which can be game-changers in farming.

How much is the Appaloosa Horse in Hay Day?

The Lipizzaner Horse is an elegant addition to your Hay Day farm. Beyond their visual appeal, these majestic steeds bring substantial advantages to your farming experience.

To bring a Lipizzaner Horse to your farm, you must reach experience level 47. Owning one of these magnificent horses requires 30 blue vouchers, 20 purple vouchers, and ten golden vouchers. Alternatively, you can obtain them for 2,700 diamonds. Just ensure they are placed near a horse stable. Players can choose to own two Lipizzaner Horses.

Appaloosa Horse in Hay Day

Like their equine companions, Lipizzaner Horses thrive on a diet of carrots to stay happy and active. After a meal, they spend six hours exploring their stable before taking a well-deserved nap. To receive 100 experience points for each Horse, you can wake them up anytime. If left undisturbed, they won’t produce experience points. So, make sure to wake them up to enjoy the rewards.

To maximize the benefits of your Lipizzaner Horses, consider waking them up individually instead of all at once. This approach increases your chances of receiving random supply items, significantly impacting your farm’s growth and overall profitability.

How much is the Lipizzaner Horse in Hay Day?

The Lipizzaner Horse, a symbol of grace and elegance, can elevate your Hay Day farm and provide prosperity. Here’s a closer look at the essential information about these majestic creatures.

Unlocking Lipizzaner Horses becomes possible at experience level 47. You’ll need 30 blue vouchers, 20 purple vouchers, and 10 golden vouchers to acquire one of these stunning equines. Alternatively, they can be yours for 2,700 diamonds. Just like regular horses, you must put them close to a horse stable to finish the deal. Players can have up to two Lipizzaner Horses if they want.

Lipizzaner Horse in Hay Day

Lipizzaner Horses, like their counterparts, thrive on a diet of carrots. Feeding them ensures that they remain active and happy. After their meal, they’ll prance around their stable for six hours before napping. You can wake them up anytime to receive 100 experience points for each Horse. If you allow them to sleep, they won’t produce experience points, so waking them up for those valuable rewards is important.

Like other horses, the strategy of waking up your Lipizzaner Horses one by one rather than all at once increases your chances of receiving random supply items. These items can be invaluable in farming, so this approach is highly recommended.

How much are the Palomino Horses in Hay Day?

The Palomino Horse, an appealing addition to your Hay Day farm, offers both companionship and benefits to your gameplay. Here’s a brief overview of the key details about these friendly horses.

Your journey with Palomino Horses begins at experience level 32, with a second one available at level 37. The cost of acquiring these horses is ten blue vouchers, ten purple vouchers, and five golden vouchers, or you can purchase them for 1,200 diamonds. As with other horses, they must be placed near a horse stable for the transaction to occur. Players can have two Palomino Horses.

Palomino Horses in Hay Day

Palomino Horses, like their fellow equines, relish a diet of carrots. Feeding them keeps them content and lively. After a meal, they prance around their stable for six hours before taking a nap. You can wake them anytime to receive 80 experience points for each Horse. Leaving them asleep means they won’t produce experience points, so wake them up to collect those valuable rewards.

Try waking up your Palomino Horses one at a time instead of altogether for the best results. This way, you have a better shot at getting useful items that can help your farm grow.

How much are the Pinto Horses in Hay Day?

The Pinto Horse brings charm and functionality to your Hay Day farm. Here’s a concise overview of the important details about these delightful horses.

Pinto Horses appear at experience level 34, with a second one becoming available at level 37. Acquiring them requires nine green vouchers, nine blue vouchers, nine purple vouchers, and nine golden vouchers, or you can buy them for 1,575 diamonds. Just like regular horses, you must bring them close to a horse stable to finish the deal. Players can have up to two Pinto Horses.

Pinto Horses in Hay Day?

Pinto Horses, like their fellow equines, are fond of carrots. Feeding them keeps them energetic and content. After a meal, they frolic around their stable for six hours before taking a rest. You can wake them anytime to receive 100 experience points for each Horse. Leaving them asleep means they won’t produce experience points, so remember to wake them for those valuable rewards.

To maximize your benefits, consider waking up your Pinto Horses individually instead of all at once. This approach increases your chances of receiving random supply items, which can benefit your farm’s growth.

Tips for Efficient Horse Farming in Hay Day

To make the most of your horse farming on Hay Day, here are some essential tips to ensure efficiency, manage your costs, and maximize your earnings.

Firstly, consider diversifying your horse selection with various breeds like Bay Horses, Andalusian Horses, Palomino Horses, Pinto Horses, and Lipizzaner Horses. Each species offers distinct experience points and costs, allowing you to tailor your stable to your needs.

Secondly, adopt a strategic approach when waking up your horses. Instead of waking them all at once, do so one at a time. This method increases your chances of obtaining valuable random supply items, significantly benefiting your farm.

Keep a close eye on your expenses. Be aware of the purchase costs of each Horse and budget accordingly. Feeding and caring for your horses can add up, so monitoring your resources is important.

Regular feeding is essential to keep your horses happy and productive. Carrots are their preferred food, and providing them on schedule ensures a consistent generation of experience points.

Lastly, balance your earnings and costs wisely. The experience points generated by your horses can be substantial. Utilize these earnings to expand and develop your farm, making it more prosperous in the long run.


In conclusion, mastering the art of horse farming in Hay Day requires a well-rounded approach that combines strategic decisions with financial prudence. Diversifying your stable with various horse breeds ensures a balanced flow of experience points, while strategic waking maximizes your chances of gaining valuable random supply items. 

Keeping a watchful eye on expenses and managing your budget helps you maintain a healthy profit margin. Consistent feeding and care of your horses are vital to ensure they remain productive. 

Qasim Ahmad

Qasim Ahmad


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